Is There a Family? New anthropological views. (1982).
Jane Collier, Michelle Z. Rosaldo, Sylvia Yanagisako.
Main Arguments:
Examine the idea of The Family. focusing on Malinowski’s statement. Malinowski first convinced scholars that The Family was a universal human institution.
Malinowski was wrong. Explore the work of theorists who did not make Malinowski’s mistakes.
The Family not as a concrete institution designed to fulfill universal human needs, but as an ideological construct associated with the modern state.
Part 1.
Malinowski 將性交(coitus)和婚姻關係(conjugal relationships)分開,將性行為和家庭的universal existence區分開來。性行為和決定家庭的存在不再相關。
Malinowski argued: the conjugal relationship and The Family, had to be universal because it fulfilled a universal human need.
他定義的family有三個特色: (1) clear boundaries (in/outsider), (2) a place, (3) affection. —> (p.73) a bounded set of people + share place + love (?) one another.
Remove father,父親不是家庭中必要的
Family boundary? 有的語言沒有英文所謂的family,只有house
Love更未必是重點 (Zambia的母女不親文化),同時也批評覺得母親要loving(從女性主義角度)(說人類學家經常這樣相信,像是兒子和母親的兄弟的女兒結婚>和父親的姐妹結婚,是因為男性naturally seek affection where they have found affection in the past,此說法和費孝通的「上山婚」相同)
Part 2.
當時的背景,工業化、資本主義社會的狀況下,(p.75) there writers also shared a sense of moral emptiness and fear of instability and loss………because their lives were torn between celebration and fear of change.——作者認為,這樣動盪的背景下,家庭的功能和意義被強化,變得重要,the family was important not because if had at all times been the same but because it was at once the moral precondition for, the triumph of, and the victim of developing capitalist society.
也有當時的思想家說(在家庭和女性觀點的討論之外),we would fall victim to a market that destroys real human bonds.
工業社會也讓 family vs work/business (market) 成為對立, family as symbolic opposition.
– 男性本位、男性中心的現代的道德秩序、男性=文明 – 男性對另類道德的恐慌(新的道德),結合現代資本主義對道德的破壞==>使他們鞏固道德的重要性
對19世紀的 evolutionists 來說, women were associated with an unchanging biological roles and romanticized community of the past. however, men as the agents of all social process. (Excluding women).
維多莉雅時代的男主外女主內 were not abandoned in later functionalists schools of thought at least in part because pervasive sexist biases make it easy to forget that women, like men, are important actors in all social worlds.
作者認為 modern social scientists 延續了維多利雅時期的觀念,其實functionalist用function這種看似邏輯理性的方法來談family,實際上卻是一種 ideological construction.
接著也談到 the public/ the private的概念,
Part 3.
If we adopt the perspective the The Family is an ideological unit rather than merely a functional unit, we are encouraged to subject this syllogism to closer scrutiny…..We can ask, first, What do people mean by nurturance?
Rethinking the symbolic opposition between The Family and market relations. (並不是所有社會都已經進入market relation的狀態)
應該要更關注 how ppl come to summarize their experience in folk constructs that gloss over the diversity, complexity, and contradictions in their relationships. 有各式各樣不同的觀點
過度簡化認知與實際行動之間的差異,as the predictable failing of imperfect beings,e.g. 家庭暴力
…..(略)(Bott, 高/低收入階層夫妻分工模式假說檢視)
We probably have no cause to fear (or hope) the The Family will dissolve. What we can going to ask is what we want our families to do. Then, distinguishing our hopes from what we have, we can going to analyze the social forces that inhale ur undermine the realization of the kinds of human bonds we need. (p.80)
如果說家庭存在,家庭用什麼樣的形式存在、家庭應該如何存在,是造成這個社會有諸多紛爭的原因,也許我的看法有點回歸個人(畢竟這篇文章在我眼中,似乎是一個 universal vs not universal, collective vs individual的討論。但作者最後提到 the realization of the kinds of human bonds we need,也許在個人生命的有限性中,這才是最重要的。
More of my thoughts:
課堂討論中,多數時間我們在討論「功能論/結構功能論」,這篇文章認為功能論提出的家庭功能並不是一種只能存在「家庭」中的功能,認為功能論者提出的實際上是 ideological 的說法,並非真的 “that functional”。
在 P.73,三位作者以邏輯性的方式直接否定 Malinowski的說法:
The flaw in Malinowski’s argument is the flaw common to all functionalist arguments: Because a social institution is observed to perform a necessary function does not mean either that the function would not be performed if the institution did not exist or tat the function is responsible for the existence of the institution.
抽掉「結構功能論」這種每次看都不知道到底意指為何的詞彙——在我看來,這篇討論有點像是,universal vs not universal的爭論。Malinowski 說家庭是普遍的,但他只是用了澳洲的原住民研究,就想要普世化結論,此文的三位作者說,不是這樣,除了用邏輯的方式(上文),也舉例了,舉的案例、個例,是用在推翻 universal 這個點。
作者說完家庭的存在並非universal後,才開始檢討這樣family as universal social institution的想法,是在什麼樣的背景下生成、存在什麼樣的問題、可能造成更多的問題。
至於費孝通的文章〈家〉,出自其書《江村經濟》,也用一種 universal 的說法在談論中國當時(寫作年代為1930s)農村的家庭狀況。當然,作者本人沒有宣稱 universal ,只是寫法是在講概念性的、普遍性的事物。我只是認為,農村必然也會有個案,不可被分類在其之中。
(其實 universal 和 all 之間還是有差距的,但這樣的 gap 有沒有被發現、被書寫,就會影響讀者的閱讀。)
在任何一種 universal 的概念背後,勢必會有例外的情況,造成 not universal。故而所有的 universal 說法都絕對、不可能是成立的,因為總是有例外,畢竟這是社會科學,又不是化學式?(化學式會有例外嗎?)
其實 universal 更是一種 collective (集體的)表徵,但集體的狀況下,個人有多大的能動性,就會影響 universal 被宣稱為 universal 的程度。在 Malinowski 寫作的當時、費孝通寫作的當時,和我們生活的當下(2020、台灣)。
寫得好像有點亂。最後還有一件事,就是上面的討論都是先接受了「家庭」這個概念進行的討論,誠如老師最後提醒我們的,那麼家庭存在嗎?所謂的家庭是什麼?我們認為理所當然的生活模式,是我們最想要或需要的 human bond 嗎?
Collier, J., Rosaldo, M., & Yanagisako, S. (1982). Is there a family? New anthropological views In B. Thorne & M. Yalom (Eds.), Rethinking the family: Some feminist questions (pp. 25–39). 费孝通. (1939). 江村经济.