Week 9. Qualitative research with Non-traditional Data.
My teacher said that she’s gonna bring us some cakes this week. I was happy to see people having a small colorful cup cake on their table in the classroom. While the lecture started, I put my cup cake, a piece of bread(?) and a piece of white chocolate on the table then waited for a good timing EATING it!
Today’s topic is Taste and Smell.
Several minutes later, the teacher said: “Okay, now let’s start with the cup cake. Try it and write down some description of the taste!” ….Okay. so that’s what the cake for!! I finally realized.xD
老師之前就說這週要帶點心來給大家吃噢耶,我覺得很歡樂。 今天走進教室就看見大家排隊在領取粉紅色小蛋糕,還有一塊麵包,一片巧克力,跟一包不明物體。拿完之後就放在桌上開始上課,想說慢慢吃!(有人已經吃掉了= =||)結果上了一陣子,老師就叫大家吃蛋糕,然後想一些詞語描述蛋糕。
我才驚覺,原來不是歡快的同樂會,是因為這週主題是taste and smell。(汗) 老師當場叫大家吃東西,吃完就開始發表對味覺跟嗅覺的感官描述。還有那一小包不明物體,本來以為是紙巾之類的,其實是香水試用包。搞到今天一整天身體都是奇妙香水味,後來再去office hour見其他老師有點尷尬XD|||