Day 1 - 夜色中出發 Departing in the Night
到桃園機場,吃了一顆飯糰(不知道為什麼飯糰好有戲份?),還滾到地上,排了很長的隊伍終於到達航空櫃台,發現自己的簽證護照過期日有錯,直接被宣布不能登機。TC 之前簽證有狀況有查過越南簽證代辦,直接給了我資料,先跟大家說掰掰、晚上見之後,就在機場聯繫「越南簽證王」,開始辦理簽證當日急件,等到中午終於能買機票,立刻出關等上飛機。到達越南已經是下午六點,計程車到市區,跳錶 42k,被司機強迫收 50k 越南盾。走路到餐廳和 TC 與周倫會合,吃了超級無敵好吃的越南菜(最後一天還回訪)。感謝兩個隊友留在市區等我,整個痛哭流涕。瑞瑩和阿諾先到 Cat Ba,聽說島上停電,讓我們覺得這趟越來越刺激了?
We arrived at Taoyuan Airport in the dark, waited in a long line, finally reached the airline counter, and found out my passport had the wrong expiration date on the visa. I was told that I couldn't board.
My friend TC had previously encountered visa issues and had checked with a Vietnamese visa agency, so he gave me the information. Said goodbye to everyone, arranged to meet later that night, and immediately contacted "Vietnam Visa King" (越南簽證王) to expedite the visa process. Finally managed to buy a ticket around noon and immediately went through customs to wait for the flight. Arrived in Vietnam at 6 p.m., and took a taxi to the city center, the meter showed 42k, but the driver forced me to pay 50k VND. Walked to the restaurant to meet TC and ZL, and had incredibly delicious Vietnamese food (visited again on the last day).
Thanked the two teammates for waiting in the city for me. Juying and Nono went to Cat Ba first. They told us there was a blackout on the island, making us feel that this trip was getting more and more exciting?

Day 2 - Heading to Cat Ba island
花了一整個早上搭車搭船到 Cat Ba,這段要是自己搭乘應該也可以,但TC、周倫同行還是安心不少,不過讓他們少爬了一天,內心非常抱歉。在車上學了越南文的「你好」、「謝謝」跟「我是台灣人」,接下來只要看到當地人就開始亂打招呼,好好玩。
抵達 Cat ba 旅館後,我們在外面閒晃,瑞瑩阿諾隊今天前往多繩距攀登,我們評估四段應該爬四個小時,大概中午後他們就會回來,結果隨著時間慢慢過去,一點、兩點、三點......到了下午五點,他們都無聲無息,讓我們從本來的悠哉變成有點擔心。

這個下午,先去了攀岩店,接著吃了午餐,炒飯很難吃、漢堡好吃、甜點很讚,倫倫很會點,我把吃不下的炒飯排成台灣的形狀。接著到處亂走,跑去找評價超高的甜點店,找不到,路邊的三個大爺看出我們的意圖,指著某戶尋常人家,我們走進去,看到兩個小朋友跟我們大眼瞪小眼,隨後走出一個姊姊,想不到這個尋常家戶竟然真的是甜點店。甜點還超級好吃,四杯只要 100k 越南盾(大約 120 NTD),我超喜歡越南咖啡的碳燒味。
吃完甜點,去尋找一個攀岩場,可惜我們都沒帶裝備,不然感覺會開爬。遇到岩場的地主(樹希的岳父母),稍微瞭解了一下入場購票的規則,記得是 100k 越南盾/人/日 可以爬一整天,下午入場特價 50k /人/日。相談甚歡,拿到人家女兒的 whatsapp,還說隔天來攀岩,他們要去市場買海鮮煮晚餐給我們吃?

Spent the whole morning taking a car and a boat to Cat Ba island. Learned "hello," "thank you," and "I'm Taiwanese" in Vietnamese on the way, and started greeting locals randomly, which was fun.
After arriving at the Cat Ba hostel, we wandered outside. Juiying and Nono went multi-pitch climbing today. We estimated they would climb for about four hours, and they should be back around noon. However, as time passed …… by 5 p.m., there was still no message from them, making us go from relaxed to a bit worried.
In the afternoon, we went to the climbing shop, then had lunch. The fried rice was bad, the hamburgers were good, and the desserts were great. ZL was good at ordering. I arranged the leftover fried rice into the shape of Taiwan's main island. Then we wandered around and tried to find the highly-rated dessert shop but couldn't. Three elders by the roadside guessed our intention and pointed to a seemingly ordinary house. We went in and saw two kids staring at us, then a sister came out. Surprisingly, this ordinary house turned out to be a dessert shop. The desserts were super delicious, four cups for only 100k VND (about 120 NTD or 4 USD), and I really liked the charcoal flavor of traditional Vietnamese coffee.
After dessert, we tried to find a climbing spot, but none of us brought gear, otherwise, we felt like climbing. Met the landlord of the climbing site (TS’s future in-laws?), and got a brief understanding of the ticket purchasing rules. It was around 100k VND per person per day for a whole day of climbing, a special afternoon price of 50k per person per day. Had a pleasant chat, and got the landlord's daughter's WhatsApp. They said if we went climbing the next day, they would go to the market to buy seafood and make dinner for us!
Later, because we were worried about Jiuying and Nono, we decided to walk to the pier where they were supposed to disembark. The three of us sat by the pier, looking at the sea, cliffs, and rocks in the distance, shouting “Jui~~~Ying~~~~” (?), and chatting with the sister who came to sell her business. Didn't wait for their return, we walked to the climbing store, sat inside, and finally saw two familiar and exhausted faces! It turned out they spent the whole morning confirming rope knowledge and didn't start climbing until 12 pm ... xD
Had Indian cuisine for dinner and went for a massage. Here, massage required stripping to just underwear, but it was super cheap, only about 230 NTD (8 USD) for an hour. The massage technique was rubbing oil all over you, Nono didn't like it, Juiying fell asleep, and TC felt super comfortable being massaged on the head.

Day 3 - sport climbing at Moody Beach
多繩距的教練昨天帶完瑞瑩阿諾隊後太累,宣布今天不上班,所以我們改成整團出發去 Moody Beach 爬運動攀登。早上起床發現下大雨,樹希拉開陽台大門直接心態崩大叫,超好笑。下雨了於是出門瞎逛、喝咖啡,這次喝到了雞蛋咖啡(egg coffee),上面浮一層加入蜂蜜和糖打發的蛋白,還蠻好喝的。後來自己在河內上了料理課,學會做雞蛋咖啡。
這天的嚮導攀岩的時候喜歡鬼叫,超好笑的,後面有一天我們跟另一位DWS嚮導出門,他說他覺得那個朋友愛鬼叫很吵XD,結果我們下午搭船經過Moody Beach附近聽到一聲鬼叫,他說:「欸!!那應該是我朋友!」XDDD(DWS嚮導也很奇怪,請他用手機幫忙拍阿諾的大GG照片,結果他拿我手機自拍一堆照片)

Woke up in the morning to find heavy rain, TC opened the balcony door and shouted hysterically, it was so funny. Since it was raining, we went out for a coffee. This time, I tried egg coffee, which has a layer of whipped egg white with honey and sugar on top, and it was quite tasty.
In the afternoon, we finally went on our trip to Moody Beach. I only climbed easy routes that day, but each lead was a lot of fun. ZL challenged various skills, both leading and cleaning the anchors, and everyone thought he was awesome!!
The guide for the day liked to shout while climbing, which was hilarious. One day later, when we went out with another Deep Water Soloing (DWS) guide, he said he found his friend's shout pretty annoying. But in the afternoon, as we sailed past Moody Beach, we heard a long loud shout, and he said, "Hey!! That must be my friend!" LOL. (The DWS guide was funny too. I asked him to take a photo of Nono’s big sand dick with my phone, but he ended up taking a bunch of selfies.)
In the evening, TC and I were suddenly called to the climbing store. The multi-pitch guide wanted to confirm our knowledge of rope skills before departure. So we ended up spending more than two hours at the climbing store seriously learning multi-pitch skills. TC said I completed their three-day course?! The most important thing I learned was self-rescue techniques. If I fell off an overhang and ended up far from the wall, I could use the rope to climb back up to the bolt. It's a bit difficult to do in practice, so I might find time to practice on the ceiling at the climbing gym again. Luckily, I bought the necessary equipment before the trip, and both the Personal Anchor System (PAS) and Prusik loops came in handy.
(本文感謝 Chatgpt 協助翻譯)