Until the late night before, I hadn't agreed to join, but suddenly I thought two crash pads might not be enough for my friends' Ruilong trip. So, I agreed to the adventure. My body was energetic that day. Staying up until 5 AM, I almost called everyone to wake up and go climbing at 5 AM lol. After a brief two-hour sleep, we gathered at the convenience store and hopped into Arnaud's mini car.
Mini cars seem to have a magical power to fit more crash pads than regular sedans. Arnaud's small car accommodated three crash pads and three people, just as useful as my previous Prius. For the first time climbing outdoors in Taiwan without having to drive, it felt blissful. I lay down comfortably. Somehow Arnaud gave me a pack of tissues, saying its a gift for me.....might be my noisy runny nose lol.
今天的目的地是南投瑞龍,車程兩小時。瑞龍是台灣天然抱石團隊開發的(Taiwan Outdoor Bouldering, TOB),有收錄在他們出的Guidebook之中,也是台灣唯一一本有出版的Guidebook。其他區域的資訊幾乎都要仰賴線上資源,稍微有一點可惜,之前去泰安時,阿諾就說他怎麼找都找不到任何跟泰安有關的資訊,直到我把閃電的臉書相簿貼給他,還在學中文、不太使用社群媒體的他才說:「天啊,我這輩子都不可能找到!」
Today's destination is Ruilong in Nantou, and the drive takes approximately two hours. Ruilong is developed by Taiwan Outdoor Bouldering (TOB), a team in Taiwan. It is featured in their Guidebook, which is also the only published guidebook in Taiwan.
Unfortunately, information about other areas mostly relies on online resources. When we went to Taian before, Arnaud mentioned that he couldn't find any information related to Taian no matter how hard he tried. It wasn't until I shared Inazuma's Facebook album with him that he, still in the process of learning Mandarin and not actively using social media, exclaimed, "I would never have found it!"
這也是為什麼我想把更多資訊放到 Mountain Project,這樣就可以有讓更多人看見台灣戶外攀岩的資訊。當然,還有很多不同的戶外攀岩資訊網站,不過我最熟悉的是 Mountain Project,很自然得從這裡開始了。
This is also why I want to contribute more information to Mountain Project, so there can be a broader audience accessing information about outdoor climbing in Taiwan. Of course, there are various outdoor climbing information websites, but the one I am most familiar with is Mountain Project. It feels natural to start from here.
The natural bouldering area in Ruilong is right in front of the Ruilong Waterfall Scenic Area. We navigated all the way to the entrance of the waterfall scenic area, stopped at the entrance to use the restroom, then turned around and walked along the same path for a few minutes. After a turn, we reached the entrance to the Bouldering Area.
Guidebook上面說可以開車進去,不過我們一轉彎進去小路,就看到前方的路有很多大石頭,阿諾的車很小底盤也很矮,以防意外發生,我們決定在路邊停車,背著抱石墊下車走進去。就算是這樣,整個路程也才不到10分鐘,非常好走。(讓我想起某次要去 Big Bear Lake City 附近攀岩,Vy跟Chris勇闖各種崎嶇的路段,直到Chris衝過一個大泥坑的時候,底盤整個卡住最後掉下來 :)),大家千萬不要冒險。)
The Guidebook mentioned that you could drive in, but as soon as we turned onto the small road, we saw many large rocks ahead. Arnaud's car is low, so to avoid any accidents, we decided to park by the roadside and carried the crash pads into the area. Even so, the entire approach was less than 10 minutes, very easy.
(It reminds me of a time when Vy and Chris bravely navigated through various rough sections near Big Bear Lake City. Chris charged through a large mud puddle, got stuck, and eventually the cover of his engine fell down :)), please don't take risks.)

我們今天鎖定的攀爬區域是黃家托兒所(Huang’s Nursery),那邊有比較多簡單的路線,雖說如此,後來仔細看了一下Guidebook,發現那些路線都是在同一顆石頭上。我們也很順利,一轉進抱石區就看見那顆石頭,結果就在這顆石頭玩了一整天。
Our chosen climbing area today was "Huang's Nursery," which has more easy routes. However, upon closer inspection of the Guidebook, we realized that all those routes were on the same boulder. We easily found the boulder as soon as we entered the bouldering area and spent the whole day on it.
Guidebook中,黃家托兒所的Boulder 4,一共有五條路線,級數在 V2-V3。
In the Guidebook, Boulder 4 of Huang's Nursery has five routes, graded from V2 to V3.
Unfortunately, this area seems to have fewer climbers, and the rock surface was covered with moss and sand, making it slippery with little friction. We spent some time diligently cleaning the rock. Whenever we spotted a potentially good hold, we brushed and brushed, and before even starting to climb, our biceps were already sore.
I've been quite lucky before; this was the first time for me to encounter such a dirty rock that required so much cleaning. We also realized how important a "steel brush" is. Last time in Taian, when I saw a climber using a steel brush, I found it fascinating, as I had never seen it before (probably because in Southern California, there is more sandstone, and using a steel brush might damage the rock). That day, I really wish I had a steel brush too.

Only five people came to Ruilong this time, and everyone was super supportive! I found the group photo taken later in the day quite touching. Climbing the same route together feels amazing, as well as there were many excellent spotters lol!
After completing the rightmost route (Hole, V2), we moved to the middle and started trying the Gold (V3) route, restarting the process of brushing holds.

As I brushed and pointed, I kept saying, "This hold is good, this one is good!" I started to lose track of whether it was self-hypnosis or hypnosis for everyone else. Even Arnaud, who has more experience with outdoor slab, didn't believe me until I brushed a foothold, and he stepped on it, saying it looked bad but surprisingly worked well. Hummm!!! I've been through slab training under the guidance of the evil Darius (I believe he would like this nickname) in Yosemite. (well but I'm still bad, plz don't believe my bragging!)
另外一件好笑的事情是,我只要摸到一個覺得不錯的點,就大喊:「its a JUG!!」是個大點辣!!我覺得瑞瑩他們是都不相信我,反正我也是催眠我自己,戶外只要有個好施力的摳摳,就是大摳摳。
Another funny thing was that every time I found a hold I liked, I would shout, "It's a JUG!!" It's a big hold!! I think my friends didn't believe in me, but I was probably hypnotizing myself. Outdoors, as long as there's a good grip to pull on, it's a JUG.
平心而論,黃金 V3 確實是一個訓練戶外腳點的好題目,小小的斜面腳點跟很爛的手點,讓人必須要相信腳還有摩擦力,才能夠順利往上站。
Honestly, Gold V3 is indeed a good challenge for training outdoor footwork. The small footholds and bad handholds force you to trust your feet and friction to stand up.
Arnaud bet with us that whoever completes the climb first can get four cookies. So, the four of us, Juiyin, 周倫, Phyllis and I, tried our best to keep Arnaud off the wall, taking turns attempting until we were exhausted. Arnaud then put on his outdoor magic shoes, Otaki, tried twice, and sent the climb. Brah!!!!

黃金 V3 我的完攀影片超級無敵醜,前面 slab 很流暢也很順利,幾乎都是用腳在往上站,但是到我沒有嘗試過的 top-out 動作時,我的左腳踩了一個太左邊的點(被好點吸引),導致身體重心太左側,沒辦法用右邊的 sloper 進行 mantle。接著我又誤上了膝蓋,top-out的錯誤之一就是用膝蓋,但我還是......每次都會犯下這種錯誤,上了膝蓋就上不了腳了,卡在那邊一、兩分鐘,把膝蓋當成腳在用,最後才用超醜的姿勢站起來。
My sned video of Gold V3 is super ugly. I did the slab part at the beginning smoothly and easily. But when I reached the top-out move that I hadn't tried before, my left foot stepped on a moon-like hold that is far left, causing my body weight to be too much on the left side, making it impossible to use the right sloper for the mantle. Then I made the mistake of using my knee. One of the top-out mistakes is using the knee. Once I was on my knees, I couldn't get my feet up, getting stuck there for a minute or two. I ended up using a super ugly posture to stand up.
沒關係, A send is a send. 醜完攀也是完攀啦。
No worries. A send is a send.
Anyway, I would like to go back to Ruilong to explore other boulders and practice footwork and top-out techniques on Gold V3. Seeya next time!