(in English & Mandarin)

之所以送國外,主因是這家店是 La Sportiva & Scarpa 官方認證的 Resole 店家,位置在 Janja 的國家!Slovenia。修補使用的材料都是官方原廠的,橡膠也是 VIBRAM® XS EDGE / VIBRAM® XS GRIP2。本文分三部分,店家資訊在文末。
Many people have asked about where to get climbing shoes resoled, so I’ve put together this information. The main reason for sending shoes abroad is that this shop is an official La Sportiva & Scarpa certified resole shop, located in Janja's home country—Slovenia. They use official materials for the repairs, including VIBRAM® XS EDGE / VIBRAM® XS GRIP2 rubber. This article is divided into three parts, with the shop information at the end.
Costs | 費用
Timeline and Details | 時程與細節
Repair Condition | 修復狀況

1. COSTS | 費用
岩鞋修理費是 35~45 EUR 不等,也有修鞋帶跟鞋頭上方橡膠(rand)的服務。攀岩鞋寄過去後,店家直接依照岩鞋的狀況評估,我自己這雙 Instinct VS 主要是修鞋底前半段的膠底(front resole),花了 40 EUR。
郵局包裹寄出 1650 NTD (一人 275 NTD)
修理費 40 EUR (1488 NTD)
店家寄回台灣 4278 NTD (一人713 NTD)
最後花了我,275+713+1488 = 2,476 NTD
The cost of resoling ranges from 35 to 45 EUR. They also offer services like repairing laces and the rubber rand above the toe. The shop evaluates the condition after the shoes are sent in and provides a quote. For my pair of Instinct VS, I had the front part of the sole repaired (front resole), which cost 40 EUR.
We sent a total of six pairs of shoes for repair as a group of six, splitting the shipping costs evenly.
Here’s the breakdown of my personal expenses:
Shipping the package via Taiwan Post: 1,650 NTD (275 NTD per person)
Repair cost: 40 EUR (1,488 NTD)
Return shipping to Taiwan: 4,278 NTD (713 NTD per person)
In total, I spent:275 + 713 + 1,488 = 2,476 NTD (=~ 78 USD =~ 70 EUR)\
Now I’ve got my offical factory-certified shoes back—let's hope they don't wear out too quickly again!

2. Timeline and Details | 時程與細節
2024/7 Securing a Repair Slot 搶修理名額
確定要修的鞋數量後,就先開始在官網上搶名額,手速需要快,刷網站看到有空名額就搶。一次要搶六雙鞋不容易,花了兩週後搶到(感謝 Dr. Nono 的努力!)
After confirming the number of shoes to be repaired, we started trying to secure a spot on the shop’s website. You have to act fast; as soon as you see an available slot, grab it. It’s not easy to book six pairs at once, but after two weeks of effort (thanks to Dr. Nono's hard work!), we finally secured a spot.
2024/8/2 Sending the Climbing Shoes 寄出攀岩鞋
郵局快捷寄出。寄到 Janja 母國的 Slovenia ,郵局需要先在網路上申請好,或者到了現場用手機網路申請快捷包裹,需要包裹的長寬高資料,到現在請郵務員量好之後送出也不錯。我們因為當時不知道,第一趟跑過去確認完資料,當時郵局已經快關門,就先回去,後來上網填寫好,再去郵局一次,第二趟才順利寄出。
修鞋廠商要求包裹不可以有額外的 value added,包裹內容物就寫舊鞋,價值是 1 NTD * 6 雙 = 6 NTD 哈哈哈哈。缺點是包裹寄丟可能沒辦法理賠,但郵局告知快捷很好追蹤,一週內會寄達,這部分就是風險只能自擔。
運費是郵局快捷 1650 NTD (2.987 kg,包裹大小 36x31x22)。
We sent the shoes via express post to Slovenia, Janja's home country. You need to apply for express shipping online before heading to the Taiwan post office, or you can apply on-site using mobile internet. You'll need the package dimensions for the application, but it's also fine to let the postal clerk measure it when you’re there.
The repair shop requires the package with no value added. We simply declared “old shoes” with a value of 1 NTD per pair (6 pairs = 6 NTD, haha). The downside is that if the package gets lost, there will be no compensation. However, the post office assured us that express mail has good tracking and would arrive within a week. The risk is something we had to accept. Shipping costs were 1,650 NTD for express (2.987 kg, package dimensions: 36x31x22).
2024/8/4 Package Sent to Slovenia from Taiawn 包裹出發
2024/8/14 Package Arrived at the Repair Shop 包裹抵達修鞋店家
2024/8/28 Repairs Completed 修理完畢
店家修理完畢,寄來一張收據。我們使用 Paypal 轉帳,六雙鞋一共 13960 NTD,含修理費跟寄回來的運費。有人修鞋費用是 2203 NTD,有的是 2761 NTD,主要是看修理的方式,價格落在 40 EUR 或 45 EUR,都用歐元計費。付費之後,店家會寄鞋子回來,
After finishing the repairs, the shop sent us a receipt. We paid via PayPal, with the total cost for six pairs coming to 13,960 NTD, including repair fees and return shipping. The cost per person ranged from 2,203 NTD to 2,761 NTD, depending on the type of repair. The pricing was either 40 EUR or 45 EUR, all billed in euros. After making the payment, the shop shipped the shoes back to us (Taiwan).
Shipping information provided by the shop 店家提供的運費資訊
Up to 2kg (about 3 pairs of climbing shoes) – 85 EUR
2kg to 10kg (up to 15 pairs of climbing shoes) – 115 EUR
2024/9/11 Finally Received the Climbing Shoes! 終於拿到攀岩鞋!
The shoes arrived back in Taiwan! When the package was delivered, Dr.Nono opened it to find our freshly repaired yet still smelly climbing shoes. After that, he distributed them to the fellows. From sending out the climbing shoes to receiving them back, the whole process took just over a month—much faster than expected!

3. Repair Condition 修復狀況
之所以被朋友勸說加入修鞋團,一個是這次很多朋友一起攤運費划算以外,另一個心動的理由是不需要重新訓鞋。我的這雙攀岩鞋偏小,主要是用來戶外抱石踩小點,在優勝美地攀岩的時候蠻依賴他的,畢竟當地的 granite 就是一堆小爛點。當初訓鞋花了一番心力,所以「買新鞋」 vs 「修理但不用重新訓鞋」之間,我很快就決定了後者。
No need for too many words—just check out the pictures. The soles look brand new, and I almost feel bad about using them again. Unfortunately, my footwork isn’t great, so who knows how long they will last?
One of the reasons I was convinced to repair the shoes, besides splitting the shipping costs with friends, was that I wouldn’t need to break in new climbing shoes. This pair is slightly small and mainly used for outdoor bouldering on tiny footholds. I relied on them a lot while climbing in Yosemite, where the granite is full of small, tricky holds. Breaking into these shoes took a lot of effort. So when deciding between “buying new shoes” and “repairing without needing to break them into again,” I quickly chose the latter. Of course, part of me also wanted to experience what resoling was like!

最後! 最後也是最重要的部分,店家資訊:
Lastly (and most importantly), Shop Information:
ShoeDOCTOR d.o.o.
Predilniska 16
4290 Trzic
IG @shoedoctor.eu
WEBSITE: https://arc.net/l/quote/blfzspxe
Although, just like most climbers, I own several pairs of climbing shoes (like a centipede with too many legs), it’s hard not to develop a special attachment to my favorite pair. Part of resoling is also for environmental reasons—since the rest of the shoe is still in good condition and only the soles are worn out, why not give these beloved shoes a chance at a second life?
Written by GumbyBear 貝爾 follow me on Ins @gumbybear.climb