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Climbers' legs | 攀岩人的腳,傷痕累累的腳



紫斑症是一種少見的疾病,還記得當時我懵懵懂懂 ,不知道為什麼要住院多天,醫院的院長還帶領一大批實習醫生過來參觀我的腳,跟大家一起戳戳我的腳指頭 🤣 🤣 連保險業務員都來看我,帶給我一隻穿著草莓裝的維尼熊娃娃!到現在都還在我家,嘿嘿。





When I was in elementary school, my left ankle suddenly swelled up and turned purple. I was sent to the emergency room and stayed in the hospital for several days. After a series of blood tests, the hospital informed my parents that I had a condition called “purpura” (immune thrombocytopenic purpura), a type of autoimmune disease that leads to low platelet count and affects my blood’s ability to clot.

Purpura is a rare disease. The hospital’s director even brought a group of medical interns to see my foot and had them poke at my toes together 🤣 The insurance agent brought me a Winnie the Pooh doll dressed in a strawberry costume! I still have it at home to this day, haha.

Although my parents were worried, I was fortunate. Some people with purpura develop severe conditions due to a dangerously low platelet count, but mine wasn’t too serious. After returning to normal life, the doctor advised me to avoid getting injured since my blood clots more slowly, and I bruise more easily than most people. As I got older, I would sometimes have heavier periods as well. Going to the dentist also gave them a scare—my gums would swell up dramatically after just a bit of treatment (poor dentist)!

After I started climbing, it was inevitable that I’d bump into things. The bruises on my legs come one after another, sometimes startling those around me. Occasionally, when I remember, I’ll wear long pants at home to keep my parents from worrying. Now, when I take photos, my legs are often covered in bruises—one heals, and a new one appears.

In the past, I didn’t pay much attention to climbing scrapes, but now I’ve learned to take better care of my wounds. I make sure to clean them properly, disinfect, and apply bandages—no more ignoring injuries.

I’m really grateful for my body. Even though I didn’t take good care of it in the past, it still sticks with me, allowing me to do the things I love today.



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